BigFish Tilapia

Top Breeding Center

Bigfish Tilapia Top Breeding Center

A highly qualified hatchery and leading supplier of all male Nile Tilapia.

YY- technology, a unique reproduction process, is available for all hatcheries and tilapia farmers

  • All male fry (NMT) can be obtained from our hatchery

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  • YY-Broodstock sets can be bought to produce all-male XY fry at your hatchery

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  • Hatcheries can inquire after a Genetic Improvement Plan or can obtain YY-genetics to produce YY-broodstock fish

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Highly experienced farm staff

Year round supply of fry and broodstock of high quality

  • All male offspring up to 99%

  • Hardy any reproduction in the pond, all feed energy returns in growth.

  • Lower feed conversion rate, 10% better.

  • Maximise production output,

    lower production cost price

  • Predictable growth and short cycle up: to 30% more fish.

  • Uniform size of market size fish.

The Natural Male Tilapia (NMT – XY) offspring, produced with YY-broodstock, will grow substantial faster (+15%) than a hormone treated sex reversed batch and faster (+30%) than a mixed sex batch of tilapia. This NMT offspring has substantial higher survival (90-95%) compared to the regular hormone treated fry on the market due to a stronger immune system. For local farmers without an own hatchery, BigFish offers the required amount of NMT fry.

Training for farmers and managers

YY technology

All tilapia farmers can grow fast growing male tilapia. When the young fry are born with a YY-male and XX female all the offspring will be Natural Male Tilapia (NMT).  Also local female lines can be applied. This can have a very positive effect on the robustness of the fish. An international team of  experts from Til-Aqua BV and Holland Aqua BV are supporting the Tilapia Top Breeding activities and secure the quality of the genetic improvements.

Learn more about us

Find all details about our products and professional services

Tilapia Fry

The tilapia fry can be shipped


Tilapia Broodstock

Best breeders in town

Tilapia Genetics

implement genetic improvement also at your hatchery.

Training Center

Make use of our tilapia training courses.

Highly experienced hatchery management staff

We can support your farm

The Tilapia Top Breeding Center offers a valuable options to improve your farm. Aquaculture farm knowledge is now available for you management and staff.

  • Regular consults and visits from our trained staff

  • Professional and vocational training of your staff at our training facility in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Articles from the our hatchery

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    At the fair farm manager Peter Shirima is presenting RAS […]

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